Sunday, May 15, 2011

products on hand


OMC or Oxygenated Mineral Concentrate is a highly alkaline and highly concentrated form of Oxygenated, Natural, Alkaline Minerals. It has an abundance of age-fighting anti-oxidants for cellular protection.

And with the help of negative ions, balances and fights positive ions from food, water, and the air we breathe. OMC is not only anti-bacterial but will also give you a relieved, refreshed, recharged, and super energized feeling.

It will detoxify your body and help with proper absorption of nutrients. Just add a few drops to your drinking water or any beverage to nourish, mineralize, rehydrate, and alkalize your body.


  1. Normalizes body fluids, hormones, and body pH.
  2. Helps improve nerve impulse and muscular functions.
  3. Helps insulin in converting glucose to energy and cell food thus helps control sugar level in the body.
  4. Helps prevent anemia and leukemia.
  5. Strengthens and nourishes bones, teeth, hair, and prevents osteoporosis, dental cavities, falling hair and dandruff.
  6. Helps proper absorption of nutrients.
  7. Help prevent thyroid problems.
  8. Helps our body fight against infections.
  9. Helps regulate high blood pressure and removes and control excess cholesterol.
  10. Brain tonic.
  11. Improves sexual performance.
  12. Helps prevent heart, lung, liver, and kidney problems.
  13. Helps in liver detoxification and helps in producing hormones for metabolism.
  14. Makes skin smooth and supple.
  15. Minerals in OMC are integral parts of enzymes which are co-factors for proper cellular function.
  16. Helps remove bad breath.
  17. Helps in controlling spread and regresses cancer cells.
  18. Helps prevent muscle cramps and relive body pains.
  19. Helps regulate monthly menstruation and cystic growth.
  20. Helps regulate kidney functions.
  21. Helps our glutathione to fight and balance free radicals.
  22. Helps prevent insomnia and stress.
  23. Helps prevent constipation.
  24. Helps the body in breaking down protein.
  25. Helps in curing cataract and prevents other eye problems.
  26. Helps cleanse the urinary bladder.
  27. Helps heal wounds with its healing properties.
  28. Gives you prolong energy, vitality, and overall wellness.
  29. Helps in curing and prevention of asthma and allergies.
  30. Helps in curing drug addicts and control alcoholism.
  31. Great help for malnourished individuals.
  32. Helps decrease pre-menstrual syndromes and menopause.
  33. Also helps in neurological at gynecological problems.

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